
RAM USD Diversified Fixed Income Strategy

Directly held portfolio of securities issued by major global financial institutions


Directly held portfolio of securities issued by major global financial institutions

15-25 Concentrated holdings in your own name – no third party management fees

Exposure to US, European, Australian and Asian lending institutions

Transparent portfolio, regular yield, daily valuation & Liquid (T + 5)

Diversified Issuer (Max 10%) and blended maturity portfolio

Flexible portfolio structure and risk level – Client retains control of their investments mandate at all times

Minimum BBB-Issuer Credit Rating

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Industry Recognition

For 4 years running RAM has won the IMAP (Institute of Managed Account Professionals) Award for Australian Fixed Interest managed accounts. The judging panel is comprised of independent consultants and industry executives who commended RAM on the quality of our investment offering and risk adjusted approach to portfolio construction.

Australian Fixed Interest Finalist 2023 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Australian Fixed Interest Winner 2021 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Australian Fixed Interest Winner 2020 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Australian Fixed Interest Winner 2019 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Other Asset Classes Winner 2018 IMAP Managed Account Awards

HKIFA Member

AIMA Member

Caring Company 2022-2024

Investment Philosophy

Disciplined investment process with experienced investment personal. Our goal is to bring institutional investment and risk management to the private client world.

Active Management

We believe markets and securities trading prices can move away from intrinsic value, we aim to avoid the short term noise, focusing on long term growth.

Risk Management

Primary focus is the preservation of capital, with a strong focus on risk management. Investing is an exercise in taking risk, therefore a firm grasp on risk management is essential.


We believe blending a range of security types and maturities can reduce portfolio volatility whilst achieving the strategic objective.

Simplicity & Transparency

Our clients can understand how their wealth is being managed and be confident it will meet their expectations. All investments are directly held by the client in their own portfolio via the Discretionary Managed Account.

Investment Framework

Actively Managed, Risk Adjusted (Quality and Value) bias to Portfolio construction

Quality (Risk Adjusted) & Value Bias RAM has a portfolio bias to quality, in particular the quality of the issuers credit rating, the companies management, balance sheet and earnings, as well as the quality of the terms of issue on the specific instrument. Long Term Approach We take a benchmark unaware approach to portfolio construction. We position the portfolio in line with our medium term views. Fixed income and credit securities in particular, can be mean reverting over the medium term. Our turnover is expected to be low-moderate. Active Managment We actively manage the liquidity, quality, income stream and duration, as well as the instrument type, industry exposure and specific credit exposures within the portfolio, to deliver on the strategy objective We take a risk adjusted approach to portfolio construction on an ongoing basis.