
Global Multi Asset Class Portfolios

Customised Investment Program and risk-managed portfolios


RAM have a range of multi-asset class portfolios with various risk profiles and investment objectives.
Clients can further customise portfolios to suit their specific investment objectives and risk profile.

Portfolios are managed by a team of experts using internal and external resources of RAM Group to deliver risk managed high quality portfolios and achieve the investment objective.

Client retains complete control of the investment program, with in built flexibility to change the portfolio structure at any time.

Client retains complete control of the investment program, with in built flexibility to change the portfolio structure at any time.

Timely Taxation reporting, and transparent online access to see all investments, income, transactions, fees.

Flexible, multi-asset class discretionary portfolio with full range of asset classes/investments

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Investment Strategy

Active Management

RAM select a blend of actively managed funds and passively managed funds. RAM Investment Committee actively manage the Tactical Asset Allocation with the aim of minimising portfolio drawdowns and maximising long term returns.

Experienced Team

Our internal investment committee has over 70 years global investment management experience in the full range of asset classes.

Institutional Approach

RAM supplement internal resources with the use of quantitative and qualitative external research providers and well known trading banks, brokerage firms and fund managers.

Globally Diversified

RAM build well diversified portfolios across a range of asset classes, currencies and investment markets with varying risk profiles.

Benefits of RAM Investment Offering


All products in managed in accordance with your Investment Program and held securely in Custody with major custodians

Access to Global Investments

All administration and reporting is taken care of for you

Flexible & Liquid

Switch between different investments at any time. Multiple currencies supported and completely customisable portfolios.

Multi Currency

Your RAM portfolio can hold up to 15 currencies including USD, EUR, HKD, YEN and GBP

In Control

Choose your own risk profile and customise portfolio investments to meet your investment objectives via your own specific Investment Program


Your personal investment portfolio can be viewed at any time through our dedicated web portal

Industry Recognition

Australian Fixed Interest Finalist 2023 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Australian Fixed Interest Winner 2021 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Australian Fixed Interest Winner 2020 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Australian Fixed Interest Winner 2019 IMAP Managed Account Awards

Other Asset Classes Winner 2018 IMAP Managed Account Awards

HKIFA Member

AIMA Member

Caring Company 2022-2024